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High schools' websites

As I am working in the education field, the first thing that came to my mind when being asked to compare two different websites was looking for the schools’ ones. I finally chose the websites of Staples high and Hotchkiss high , two good-reputation schools among the public and private educational institutes in the Connecticut State. Someone said that the website is the 24/24hr customer service agent of the school. When you are not available to answer your customers, they will try to find the information they need on your website. In my opinion, the website also influences the first important impression a person has for your organization, and contributes to the decision whether they want to move on with your service or not. As has been mentioned in R. William ’s book: “Two of the most important factors in good web design are repetition and clarity ” , let’s have a look at Hotchkiss high school’s website to see if they have a consistent navigation system and graphic ...

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