Amazon's Website vs Facebook & Twitter

Amazon did a quite good job with their website and social media contents (even though it is a little hassle to find the company’s info within the whole retailing categories). As for the website, it is very easy to see the media team’s clever way to attract audiences attention just right at the homepage. They not only release the company’s news in attached with hot trending or adorable animals but also have many interesting ways in creating the articles tittles and chapeaux. These tatics help the contents to be both compelling but consistent at the same time without loosing the site of the whole website, which is focusing on Amazon’s activities.

Let’s look at the article below. They are about cute puppies that are going to be “hired” at Amazon. Who does not love puppies? An article about puppies that is related to your company? Of course you will definitely catch the attention of your audiences. It is cute and viralable at the same time, which forster people to share and talk about.

Most of the article on Amazon’s website are originated by their own media team, focus on the company’s activities, announcement, market information,… some of which are aggregated by presses to become news on many economics and tech media channels.

Like being said in the Young reading, "everyone is a media channel", not surprisingly, Amazon did not miss the chance to promote its business via these modern-life online social network. For a giant tech with wide range of customers, Amazon suprisingly has only two social media channels: Facebook and Twitter. This can be explained that their communication goals do not need the other tatics nor match the featured of the other social media channels, however, to misses on Instagram and Youtube while being a retailer with a huge young customer percentage can be a shortcoming.

With the Twitter, they share most of the infos on their website but in a short, funny and younger way. Let’s have a look at some of their tweets: morden and catchy style of design, combined of icons, languages and entertaining videos. It those small things that contribute to a fun, compelling and engageable content.

Below is an example of how different a same content being posted and tweeted on Amazon’s Facebook and Twitter:

With Facebook, they make use of the available amount of words to create a deeper and more meaningful contents, which is still consistency related to the company but authentically emotional at the same time.

Different from the website, most all of the contents on Amazon’s media channels are aggregated from their website. Some of them, such as posters, banners or short videos are original to increase the compellance and engagement of the posts. While the website is like a source of more official and full information, the social media channels’ contents complets their duty of making those infos spread widely to the society by the short and catchy use of introduction words, attractive design and funny multimedia uses. In another word, if the website’s contents are more original and consistent with the brand, the contents of their social media channels are more compelling, engaging and funnier.

A notable thing in the way Amazon manage their social media channels is that they always try to deepen their relationship with customer. They respond to every of their customers’ post as an individual instead of a “machine”, follow up with the stories and try to figure out what their customers need even just in a random Facebook comment. They also never use a same way to share a post on their Twitter and Facebook, as what I have mentioned above, but customize those post to be suitable with the design and audiences of each channel, which help create a better usage of cross-platform, as we all may have known: "The need for channel planing and selection is becoming a key requirement for brands, as is message integration across all marketing channels.


